Thursday, August 15, 2013

Gold jogger

5 Impressians of Russian Hill...
  1. Landscaping - The Russian Hill neighborhood is full of beautiful trees, gardens, yards, flowers, and landscaping of all sorts.
  2. Quiet - A calm breath of fresh air that sits atop the fun. Roll down the hill to the north (Embarcadero), south (nob hill), east (north beach) or west (polk street), for plenty of happy and loud times.
  3. Stairways - Some beautiful stairways grace these steep slopes. Perfect for peaceful walks, challenging workouts, and amazing views.
  4. Twisty Street - Here is where you will find the twisty part of Lombard Street. A fun drive, from it's entrance off Hyde St, or you can walk the stairways on either side. Beautiful flowers and greenery grow all around this popular attraction.
  5. Outdoor Museum - Visit the San Francisco Art Institute on Chestnut and Jones, and you will find a beautifully sculptured courtyard lined with fine works of art.

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